If Barak Obama Was White

Notwithstanding the fact that the nation's first black president was Bill Clinton, the historic election of Barack Obama in 2008 saw blacks come out in droves and vote for him at an astonishing 96%. Now almost four years later, it's clear that Mr. Obama has done little to improve the lives of black people. In fact, statistics show that life has actually regressed for blacks under Mr. Obama.

According to a report released by the Bipartisan Policy Center, in 2010, black homeownership rates have dropped to pre-1990 levels. Blacks now living below the poverty level are at a historic high of 27%. As of June, the black unemployment rate is a staggering 14.4% (for black males under 25, its 54%) with Hispanics at 11.0%, while the rate for whites is 7.4%. Compare these rates to December 2008, before Mr. Obama stepped into the White House. Blacks were unemployed at the rate of 11.9% and Hispanics were at a rate of 9.2%, while whites had a 6.6% rate of unemployment. Some other facts to consider:
Fewer than 40% of black children live with both parents
Black children are seven times more likely to have a parent in prison
Over 70% of black babies are born to unwed mothers

Mr. Obama has failed the black community, not to mention the nation as a whole, as president of the United States. Yet black support for the president remains at a whopping 96% while support for Mr. Romney among blacks is 0%.

Throughout 2008, Mr. Obama's advisors never trusted the polls that showed him to be ahead. There is, after all, a long history of white voters misleading pollsters about their willingness to vote for a black candidate. The phenomenon is known as the "Bradley Effect", after Las Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, who did far worse at the polls in his 1982 gubernatorial race than polls had predicted. If Obama were white (actually his mother was white and father black), would his poll numbers be so high? If Barak Obama was white, would blacks support him in such large numbers?

How do we explain such a disparity? Could it be racism? If I told you that 96% of all whites supported Romney, and that Mr. Obama had 0% support among whites, you would naturally conclude, that white folks were racists.

What's even more disappointing, is that sadly, come election day, blacks will no doubt again cast nearly all their votes for a man, with which they share little else but color, and has done nothing to help them economically or socially. This surely wasn't the change black folks were looking for in the Obama presidency.