Tax Code

Now that the Supreme Court has upheld Obama Care on the basis that it is indeed a Tax and cannot be regulated under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution, it's a good time to review what's a Tax and what's not a Tax.

Throughout the debate leading up to the SCOTUS decision, Mr. Obama adamantly stated time and again that Obama Care would not be a new Tax. Since the Supreme Court decision was handed down, he has said that failure to carry health insurance under the individual mandate is a penalty and not a Tax despite the fact that his own lawyers argued before the Court that Obama Care was permissible under Congress' power to Tax. Initially, a Romney spokesman called it a penalty but after thinking about it, Mitt now calls it's a Tax. Are you confused yet?

Let's review the new poll-tested Tax vernacular. Here we go: "Fair Share", "Fair Shot", "Revenues", "Common Good", "Shared Sacrifice", "Shared Responsibility", "Compromise" and the latest "Penalty" are but a few of the new phrases that really mean a Tax. Of course, you can never really say the word "Tax". The public doesn't respond very well to the word "Tax". Politicians know it's a very nasty word, especially those on the left; they refuse to utter the "T" word for fear of reprisal from the voting public. Indeed, Mr. Obama went out of his way to say to all the many pundits that Obama Care was not a Tax. Now of course the Supremes have ruled that it's undeniably a Tax. In fact, it's the single largest Tax increase upon the American people in our history! Nancy Pelosi sure was right when she famously said, "We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it".

Obama Care is a huge new entitlement in a nation laboring under commitments it already can't afford. Actually, the SCOTUS opinion makes it clearer than ever that Obama Care is a Tax program throwing more Tax dollars at an unreformed health-care system. For the moment we are left with a new law imposing politically unpopular taxes, covering only a fraction of the uninsured and doing little to lower health care costs. It's laughable then that Mr. Obama assured us that it would lower our health care costs. Since when has any government-run program (i.e. U.S. Postal Service, Amtrak, etc.) lowered costs? NEVER!

So when a Politician uses "code" words for a Tax, pay attention and watch out because the next thing you know, they'll be reaching into your pocket. At the very least, stop insulting our intelligence by using "code" words that really mean a Tax. We're not stupid; we know that "Fair Share", "Fair Shot", "Revenues", "Common Good", "Shared Sacrifice", "Shared Responsibility", "Compromise", "Penalty", etc. are just nice words for that really, really bad word, TAX!