American Idol

I see, so now the American Political process has become American Idol. None other than the latest Tea Party Darling, Ted Cruz said as much during a recent interview on Meet The Press, in which he stated that "if this presidential race comes down to a battle of personalities, the Republican's will lose". REALLY, is that what it's come down to, which candidate can survive on the island of American Idol?

This metamorphosis has been a long time coming; indeed, we have been dumb-downed for so long now with the advent of the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Jersey Shore, Housewives (you get where I'm going here) and the like.

Presidential elections are important stuff, and who we pick as the next president should be about substantive issues that affect our everyday lives; can I get a job, can I afford to feed my family, buy gas, pay for health-care. What's at stake is the future of our very existence. You see, Americans just want to know if they can provide for themselves and their families and whether their children will have a better future than they had. For the first time in our history, that future is in doubt, for the first time, future generations may indeed have a worse time than their parents had.

Forget about popularity contests, let's look at the facts: TARP - an $800 billion failure, another $831 billion spent on a "job" stimulus that didn't create jobs, but rather created more debt. Forty-two straight months of unemployment stuck over 8%, $5 trillion in additional spending in 3 ½ years in office, $16 trillion in total government debt.

He can't run on his record, so instead, Mr. Obama's campaign has gone negative with the narrative being class warfare and the GOP's wars on "women, immigration, gays, young, old, water, air, etc". Critics argue that Republicans are the obstructionists; they forget that this president had majorities in both the House and the Senate for the first two years of his administration. Not one budget passed in 3 ½ years. Hell, the one they managed to get to the Senate was defeated 97 - 0 (not one vote from his own party). Instead of concentrating on the economy like he should have, his signature legislative accomplishment was to shove Obama-Care down our throats, which remains wildly unpopular with the majority of American voters.

By any objective standard, one would have to conclude that this president has been an abject failure. Mr. Obama, at some point you have to stop blaming Bush, YOU are the president; you've been the president for almost four years. It's about time you put your big-boy pants on and accept some responsibility for the failure of your administration. Man-up Bro!

Which leads me back to the American Idol analogy, are we so dumb that we're going to ignore the facts? You see that's what Mr. Obama is counting on, that we've been so dumb-downed by American pop culture and reality TV that we're just going to ignore what's going on around us.

Let me give you a few simple analogies; if you had a coach with a losing record after 4 years, you'd fire him, if you had an employee that wasn't working out, you wouldn't wait 4 years, you would have already gotten rid of him. Come on, this is the presidential election we are talking about, not some reality TV show; this is real life, it's not a battle about personalities.

Mr. Obama maybe the "coolest" president ever, and he may well be the most popular guy in high school but this is the presidency we are talking about, not American Idol! Hey, but don't worry folks, I hear that Mr. Obama has a pretty good singing voice, who knows, maybe he can get a record deal after the election. He will be free to pursue other opportunities after January 20, 2013.